Come gli Stati stanno combattendo il coronavirus. L’intervento di Luca Longo
Leggi articoloWe have reached the end of our journey through Eni technology. The last stretch, however, is still under […]
Leggi articoloIt is well known that for kids eating outdoors is always a party. But going on rides isn’t […]
Leggi articoloThere are electric, gas and wood-burning ovens… but have you ever thought of a solar-powered oven? Our funny […]
Leggi articoloOrganic photovoltaic panels are light and flexible and our little researchers have understood this well, so why not […]
Leggi articoloIt’s a pool and a skating rink, you just need to change the perspective. But the real innovation […]
Leggi articoloTake the organic waste from home to the service station and fill up your car. This is the […]
Leggi articoloThe cooking oil used to fry chips used as fuel for a van. And if you’re ever stranded? […]
Leggi articoloBy now the imagination has been unleashed, and with Concentrated Thermodynamic Solar power, the children have also thought […]
Leggi articoloNot a simple backpack, but one that can capture the sun’s rays to recharge mobile phones or keep […]
Leggi articoloWe have already told you about our luminescent solar concentrators, red and yellow panels for smart windows and […]
Leggi articoloL’approfondimento di Luca Longo su come nascono le molecole per migliorare la tecnologia dei pannelli fotovoltaici
Leggi articoloModellistica molecolare e supercomputer, il costante lavoro dei ricercatori Eni per migliorare la tecnologia dei FotoVoltaici Organici (OPV) […]
Leggi articoloMolecular modeling and supercomputers, the constant work of Eni researchers to improve the technology of Organic PhotoVoltaics (OPV) […]
Leggi articoloParliamo di chimica, di elementi, di materia… Parliamo di ordine e dell’uomo che ha dato il via al […]
Leggi articoloWe are talking about chemistry, elements, matter… And about order and the man who started the classification criteria […]
Leggi articoloIl supercomputer, in grado di elaborare 52 milioni di miliardi di operazioni al secondo, primo al mondo in […]
Leggi articoloiamo giunti alla fine del nostro viaggio tra le tecnologie Eni. L’ultimo tratto però è sempre all’insegna della […]
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